The Simplicity of Science

When studying science, something that often overwhelms or pushes people away is the apparently complexity of it. In chemistry, a lot of people give up when they reach organic; in physics, some people just can’t get past certain theories. However, when reading about the nature of science in chapter three, something occurred to me: science isn’t meant to be so complex, it is just the inherent nature of it. The chapter discusses a theory known as Occam’s Razor, which basically says that the most simple solution or explanation to an issue should be the one that is used. When thought about practically, this makes complete sense; why would one add unnecessary complication to an explanation. In science, this holds true. The most simple explanations to scientific problems are the ones that are developed, understood and repeatedly used. However, the matter of fact is that science is complex, and therefore even the most simple explanations are oftentimes difficult to understand or work through. This makes science feel a little less intimidating, at least for me, because I now realize even when something is difficult to understand, it is truly as easy as it can get.


Hilarious comic demonstrating Occam’s Razor in a silly way



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